Welcome To My Blog

The Art of Fine Metalwork and the Art of Empathy and Nonviolent Communication- woven together for you....


My name is Yael Brisker. I am a Fine Metalwork Artist, a teacher of Empathy skills with Nonviolent Communication - and a therapist.

Born in the beginning of the 60's and raised for seven years in the US during those exciting years I am convinced they had a huge impact on who I am today.

Art and spirituality have always been intertwined in my life.
From my initial training at the Jewellery and Silversmithing Department at Bezalel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem and later in London, though meditation and yoga practice,  all the way to my recently completed  training in Biosynthesis, a body oriented form of psychotherapy which has deepened my understanding of the human need for compassion and connection- I know that Empathy, imagination and creativity are closely connected and are aspects of our humanity.

I have come to believe that Empathy is "What The World needs Now."It is a way to be more mindful and caring of ourselves and others, helping us find understanding and clarity in our lives.

Clients of my Fine Metalwork creations testify that contemplating them brings a sense of peace and well-being into their day.

My passion is to serve by bringing more Empathy awareness into the world and continuing to create pieces that calm and please the eyes and heart.